Abhijit Singh

Abhijit Singh

Product and Engineering Lead

Checkout my latest work at Fleet here.

My passion lies in taking product ideas from 0 to 1 - marrying customer-focused UX with my experience leading product and engineering teams to build products and technology that scale in mission-focused teams.

Currently, I am the Founding Product and Engineering Lead at Fleet, an early stage mobility/fintech/Saas tech startup. Fleet helps employers run commuter programs for their employees and offers the Fleet Mobility Card that allows an employee to mange all their commuting and other travel expenses all from one place. No expenses reports, no hassle, and maximum flexibility.

Check out my LinkedIn profile to find out more about my professional experiences. My Github has some of the old projects that I've worked on. Even though I use Github everyday, majority is private work for the organizations I work for.

I stay as up to date on the world and tech by reading and listening to many newsletters, articles, and Podcasts. Some of my favorite newsletters and websites are Morning Brew, The Peak, Tldr (Daily, AI), Medium, Techcrunch, Finimize and favorite podcasts are Coffee with the Greats, Business Wars, and the Product Podcast. I also listen to What's News by WSJ daily.

When I'm not working you'll find me nerding about everything aviation and space, traveling, watching F1 and football, and exploring the city for the best food and craft cocktails.